About Us


Sp. z o.o.

  At present , we are the team of about 140 ambitious people, who work every day to assure  you the possibility of buying best products at an accessible price . We work in the newly built production hall of 3500 m2. We manufacture products  acclaimed  by local and foreign buyers from Russia, Germany, Ukraine, Moldavia, Kazakhstan, Greece, Ireland, Czech Republic, Romania, Bulgaria, Bielarus, Lithuania and many others. Our constructors can modify our products,  adapting  them to your needs; we are also able to produce completely new products. Good machinery and technical service create large productive possibilities. We possess  few installers teams, installing and servicing our products in Poland and abroad. We are convinced that  cooperation with us is the guarantee of  yours satisfaction. We have been working on this opinion for over 25 years.

Mechform - is a brand we have created for the separation and emphasising of the broad assortment of machines and devices for the food industry. .


We are a familiar company.

Owners take personal responsibility for organization, company development and good quality of our products.

Maria Wiejak

Co-owner, administration manager

From the right
Rafał Wiejak - CEO, co-owne

From the left:
Czesław Wiejak - company founder, co-owner

Piotr Wiejak

Board member and co-owner of Wiejak Ltd.

Owner of accounting office



Base of our work is a team of experienced and engaged workers.

Modern technology and CNC machines guarantee high quality of our products.


We take part in many exhibitions in Poland and many European countries.

Some of our products are presented in our showroom.

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